Lebogang Carolene Mmono is a young Motswana woman born and raised in Gaborone, Botswana. She holds a bachelor’s degree and has seven years of experience as an interior designer. In 2016, Mmono founded “Just Ginger.”
“Just Ginger” is a beverage manufacturing company inspired by Botswana’s locally acclaimed non-alcoholic ginger beer, Gemere. In an interview, Mmono explained that owning her own business had always been her aspiration. After transitioning from her career in interior design, she seized the opportunity to start her venture. Mmono further shared that her passion for entrepreneurship began in school and continued to grow as she progressed through life.
The story behind “Just Ginger” centers on creating healthy, ethical, green, and preservative-free products that honor the culture and nostalgia of Setswana Gemere. Mmono established “Just Ginger” in her new venue, “@nine,” located at Extension 9, Nche Close, on a family property she leased from her mother to start her business. Setswana Gemere, a beloved ginger beer enjoyed across Botswana for centuries, inspired the brand. Mmono learned to make this traditional ginger beer with her mother, and after perfecting their recipe, “Just Ginger” was born. The brand represents a deep love for family, tradition, and living life to the fullest.
Mmono continues to speak about how “Just Ginger” and her new establishment “@nine eatery” have many competitors in the industry because so many people are doing the same thing and have been in the business much longer.
Mmono goes on to say that the reason why bringing up small businesses in this industry is difficult is because of “competitors” and people not wanting to see others winning and doing better. She also talks about how normally a business such as hers would gradually grow from getting positive and negative feedback from customers so that she knows how to better herself, her employees and customer service in general.
Mmono also mentions how when she gets feedback from her customers about her customer service and food in general, she never wants to focus too much on the negative feedback because some of the negative feedback at times comes from people who do not want to see her progress in life and are waiting for her downfall. Mmono goes on to say that Just Ginger has had the pleasure to provide services for work alongside some regional and international organisations including but not limited to; Absa Bank Botswana, Hollard Botswana, Botswana Innovation Hub, De Beers Group, Debswana, FNB Botswana, Metropolitan Life Botswana and many more.
Just Ginger’s company vision is basically to be a brand that showcases the colorful fusions of Setswana culture and gives a sense of pride to all Batswana across the diaspora by essentially transporting its past to the twenty-first century.
At Just Ginger, one of their core beliefs that stood out the most to her was that they strongly believe in treating their customers and fellow employers with respect. Just Ginger aspires to be as environmentally conscious as they can with the manufacturing and delivery of their products. Mmono expressed that Just Ginger’s business grows through its creativity, invention, and innovation. She proceeded to say that they integrate honesty, integrity, and business ethics into all aspects of their business functioning.
Just Ginger strives to add value to the community by being a socially responsible company. Just Ginger’s mission of building a modern African Brand that packages tradition with the respect and dignity it deserves. Just Ginger aspires to be as sustainable as possible by being accountable for its impact on the community and environment.
Just Ginger is not just a business, it’s a brand. Ginger tells a story about the brand with the different ranges of beverages it produces, from the packaging it chooses and even just the simplicity of their logo and name. All Just Ginger beverages have a common ingredient which is ginger, hence the name of the business. This is a constant reminder of how the business even started the love of Gemere. “We aspire to build a household brand that is relatable yet conscious therefore we use packaging reusable and or biodegradable as much as possible.,” says Mmono.