Newly installed board confirmed Kamogelo Mowaneng with effect from 01 February 2022 who served in an acting CEO position since 26 August 2020 after the departure of Shenjere Chikuni Mutiswa.
She is a qualified Chartered Accountant registered with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, CA (SA) and a Fellow Certified Professional Accountant registered with the Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants, FCPA (BICA). She holds a Bachelor of Business Science Degree with Finance Honours from the University of Cape Town, South Africa; after which she continued with her Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting at the same institution. Upon completion of her studies, Mowaneng proceeded to work for Deloitte Johannesburg, South Africa, as an external auditor, specialising in Financial Institutions. She then later joined the Deloitte Botswana Office as an Audit Manager before pursuing opportunities in the property sector.
She holds a Certificate in Property Development and Investment from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and is a member of the Board of Directors of NBC Developments Partnership, Mogo’lori (Pty) Ltd and Hidden Leaf (Pty) Ltd. Prior to joining Letlole as Chief Financial Officer, Mowaneng held the position of Finance Manager at RDC Properties Limited. The Company says it will commence with the process for the recruitment of a Chief Financial Officer shortly. “The market will be updated on this appointment in line with the BSE Listings Requirements.”