The company, which owns KBL closed Thursday trading at P16.30 after three deals to the tune of more than P600 000. The trades were undertaken as it emerged that Bafana Molomo, the chair, Thabo Matthews, the MD and Myra Sekgororoane an independent non-executive director had resigned from the board effective 30 June 2021 citing personal reasons. Mabu Nteta, a self-made entrepreneur and business leader, was appointed to the position of MD with effect from 1 July 2021. Tabuya Tau took on the Board Chairmanship with effect from 1 July 2021, relinquishing the position of chairperson of the Finance and Audit Committee. Boitumelo Paya took on the Chairmanship of the Finance and Audit Committee with effect from 1 July 2021.