In an effort to support future generations of financial professionals and achieve a positive social impact, the Botswana Public Officers Pension Fund (BPOPF), through Letsema Property Fund has collaborated with BAC by investing in this project. This impactful venture contributes to the expansion of the education sector, infrastructure industry, procurement of goods and services, as well as the development of skilled manpower. The BPOPF believes that this investment will contribute to the upliftment of Botswana’s economy as a whole – both now and into the future.
As the BAC institution prepares to transition to become a university, one of its strategic goals is to develop its infrastructure and expand its campuses to accommodate the growth of Botswana’s educational market needs. This, therefore, guided the plan by BAC Management to develop Plot 61922 to provide world class and new generation of facilities to improve teaching and learning.
Said BAC Deputy Executive Director Corporate Services Oaitse Gabadirwe, “We are excited and honoured to be able to celebrate this historic moment with honourable Ministers and industry leaders from across the Botswana’s educational, financial and development sectors. This momentous occasion not only shows how much can be achieved when we all come together for the common good of future generations but is just the beginning of all that is to come for our country’s higher educational future.”
The Board of Directors of BAC, in 2019, approved the proposed development of Plot 61922 Fairgrounds through a PPP model done through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), with Messidor Investments being the project facilitator. Messidor is expected to be involved in the pre-construction, construction, and post construction services. The model is based on 100 percent equity contribution with equal partnership between the BPOPF and BAC.
Said BPOPF Chief Executive Officer Moemedi Malindah, “We are grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to Botswana’s future generations of leaders through our investment in this institution. As we break ground into what will surely be a physical embodiment of Botswana’s growth and the infinite possibilities that lay ahead for all of us, the BPOPF stands proud to be a part of a community of leaders that continue to lay the foundations of development and progress.”
The project, which commenced on the 22nd November 2021, is expected to be completed at the end of October 2022. The proposed development which is expected to yield a total of 7596.17 sqm of floor space will comprise of multiple storey blocks for administration and academic purposes.