BBS’ Poor Results Are Not Irredeemable – Chairman
Says acquisition of commercial licence will have a positive impact on the bottom line Mortgage loans were flat and impacted ...
Says acquisition of commercial licence will have a positive impact on the bottom line Mortgage loans were flat and impacted ...
The government is gearing up to tighten the screws on the banking sector by ensuring that it is foolproof against ...
Household loans down to 5.4 percent Improvement in lending to businesses reported Household debt currently stands at P54.8 billion. Botswana’s ...
Botswana consumers have been warned to brace for high interest rates as well as to contend with servicing expensive debts. ...
One bank was charged for violating three sections of the Banking Act Another was charged for not declaring large cash ...
Allays fears of acute liquidity shortage “It is the responsibility of banks to manage their liquidity position” Liquidity increased to ...
MPC says inflation will trend downward from Q2 2022 At the meeting held on August 25, 2022, the Monetary Policy ...
Short-term investors enjoy higher deposit yields Capital flows from lower returns to higher ones Attractive bond yields may reduce the ...
Consumer price inflation in Botswana accelerated to 14.3 percent y/y in July from 12.7 percent y/y in June. Contributing to ...
It would further hinder the domestic economy’s post COVID-19 recovery Higher interest rates impact on government’s cost of borrowing Should ...